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Prosecutors claim the pair, who are both Taekwondo experts, regularly assaulted the teenager between 20 at their home - with Victor occasionally filming the incidents. The actress admitted she owned a number of sexual aids, including a 'Rampant Rabbit' and nipple tassles – but said her alleged victim, who referred to sex toys in her police statement, 'could easily have gone through my belongings to find those'. Zara Phythian, who starred in the hit 2016 Marvel superhero film with Benedict Cumberbatch and Tilda Swinton, denied allegations she and her husband, Victor, 59, sexually assaulted the youngster over a three-year period. A Dr Strange actress has slammed claims she and her husband sexually abused a 13-year-old girl as 'bulls***' - as a court heard how the martial arts expert kept videos of herself having sex with other men.

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